Download the 5-Mile Famous Cheat Sheet!


Download the 5-Mile Famous Cheat Sheet!


Get the Cheat Sheet and take the short-cut and become the most well known beauty professional in a 5-10 mile radius for just $5-10/day in advertising!

Bonus Training: We'll walk you through the whole strategy in less than 15 minutes.

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Get the Cheat Sheet and take the short-cut and become the most well known beauty professional in a 5-10 mile radius for just $5-10/day in advertising!

Bonus Training: We'll walk you through the whole strategy in less than 15 minutes.


If you’re the most famous Beauty Professional ...

in a 5 or 10 mile radius you’ve got it made. Your appointment calendar will be booked solid. You’ll have so much business that you'll have to either turn it away or hire more staff to help you grow.

Getting internationally famous is expensive and hard and is a grind. But becoming a famous esthetician in a small area like a 5-10 mile radius is easy! And it can be done extremely cheap!

You can do it without posting everyday on Facebook

Don’t get sucked into that grind of daily content creation. You also don’t have to spend a lot of money! For just $5-$10 per day you can own a market in 90-days!


We’ve put together a cheat sheet download and a 15 minute training video that shows you the exact strategy we use to make someone locally famous!